About Us

Our Mission

To offer the best possible outdoor experience and responsibly share the beauty of the Northwest. To educate about this extremely fragile ecosystem. Through the motions of whitewater rafting, mountain biking, scenic tours and educational programs, we can do our part in sustaining this pristine environment for future generations to enjoy and love as we do.

Laugh, Love and Live Longer

High Country Expeditions was established along the picturesque banks of the magnificent McKenzie River. In its early days, all operations were conducted from a quaint cabin by the river (fun fact: built by the inventor of the "bobby pin"). Etched into one of the beams in this cabin are the words "Laugh, Love and Live Longer," serving as a constant reminder of what truly matters in life and serving as a guiding principle for our business, fueled by our love for whitewater and the great outdoors. We are dedicated to preserving the beauty of the Pacific Northwest and are excited to pass on our passion to future generations. We are eager to be a part of your next outdoor adventure in the PNW.

Join us for a whitewater rafting adventure. High Country Expeditions offers rafting trips on some of the most beautiful rivers in Oregon and Northern California.

  • Over the years we have contemplated what equipment to provide, which rivers to run, what to teach, and of course, what to charge for our whitewater river trips, guide schools and workshops.

    What to teach and provide became evident right off the bat: we provide the necessary equipment to allow someone to experience whitewater rivers comfortably, while not hindering their learning process. As far as what to teach, well… we teach everything we know about whitewater, and everything that we expect our guides to know. We include not only the obvious guiding and safety skills, but client considerations, logistics, and the many finer points of being a true river guide.

    Costs were a bit harder to figure out, but we think we found a good middle ground. We won’t lose money offering a course or trip, but we want to be realistic in understanding that this is likely a major undertaking for most of our students & guests. We remember the sacrifices we made to go to our first guide school. We have come up with extremely competitive prices for some of the finest river rafting trips, schools and workshops in the industry.

    Outfitting has an unimagineable amount of overhead associated with it. It often seems that corners must be cut to offset the costs. We have always had a problem with that. For our students and clients, we crave the latest and safest equipment in our industry, and we take pride in sharing it with you. Over the years we have chosen to put money and effort into new gear and guide training as opposed to complex marketing strategies. We have done this hoping that these will strengthen our company and bring us success. We believed that the word would get out that we set a very high standard of quality in every aspect of our operation.

    Today, I can honestly say that I believe our trips and schools are some of the most complete, comprehensive, exciting, educational, unique, and most of all, fun adventures in the industry. I invite anyone to come and experience our whitewater raft trips, schools, workshops or extended expeditions with a personal guarantee that you will not be disappointed.

    Guide/President- Georg Adelt

  • We have low, all-inclusive prices, use only the best gear and boats, have knowledgeable and professional guides, serve delicious meals, are locally owned and operated, customize and have FUN!!!